October 27 In House Horse Show

October 27 In House Horse Show

On October 27, the farm riders and their families ventured to Crooked Creek for a morning of horse showing. Riders were placed in divisions where they were judged in a flat class, over fences class, and an obstacle class. The combination of these three classes show cased rider skills and provided a challenge but fun time for all of the riders. Read below to find out the highlights for each rider!


Ivy Moore was very nervous to open the horse show with Apatchy. However she walked into the arena, put a brave face on and had a wonderful time walking and trotting over the poles in her first class. Ivy and Apatchy have worked hard on riding in straight lines and keeping a consistent rhythm. Keep riding Ivy!




Mary Frances Pursley rode Butterscotch in the horse show! She focused on her position over her poles and keeping Butterscotch slow and happy. She succeeded and had beautiful courses. Go Mary Frances!




Lettie Owen rode Diamond during the In House Horse Show. The pair practiced hard and then did a great job executing their courses and navigating the flat. Keep riding Lettie!






Lucy Ann Smith rode Iris in her first horse show ever! The pair walked around quietly completing their obstacles. Lucy Ann worked on keeping her eyes up and heels down. Good job Lucy Ann!





Avary Sizemore rode Diamond and Butterscotch. On Diamond she competed over fences and worked on riding straight lines and good turns. On Butterscotch she rode on the flat and in the obstacle class. Sizemore worked hard to keep Butterscotch consistent as she maneuvered her classes. Keep riding Avary!




Catherine Hunter perfected her downward transitions in her classes on Diamond. Hunter and Diamond made a great team as they navigated all three arenas. Go Catherine!





Emilee Lessmeister rode Iris and Diamond during the horse show. On Iris Lessmeister navigated the flat and on Diamond she completed her courses while keeping her rhythm and direction consistent. Good job Emilee!





Felicity Adams rode Babe in the walk/trot division. Though they had been working on cantering, this was the best division for the pair. Felicity helped Babe to stay calm and focused and the pair had a successful division! Keep riding Felicity!





Maria Price spontaneously rode Zippy in the walk/trot division. After not having ridden Zippy in about half a year, Maria hopped on and rode beautifully! Being a versatile rider is impressive and takes a true understanding of the way horses communicate. Go Maria!





Daisy Perez competed with Iris in all three classes. The pair did a great job on their canter transitions and course work as well as navigating the group flat. Good job Daisy!






Kailee Tongson competed with Fergie. Though Tongson was a little nervous about the jumps, the pair executed the course perfectly and were wonderful to watch. Keep riding Kailee!






Peyton Wilson tried out a new competition horse named Able. As they worked through a few communication issues in the arena, Peyton worked hard to remain calm and ride her very best. Thanks to Peyton’s seat and equitation (along with Able’s good looks) the pair were successful! Go Peyton!





Chloe Adams rode Fergie and Butterscotch during the horse show. During over fences with Fergie, Adams worked her rhythm and direction throughout her course. With Butterscotch, Adams worked on timely transitions and her diagonals. Good job Chole!





Sara Jane Moore rode Iris and Fergie during the horse show. On Iris, Moore was very competitive in the over fences and obstacle arena. Moore rode Fergie for the flat and despite having little practice, did a great job navigating the arena and timing her transitions. Keep riding Sara Jane!





Brisen Gainey rode Butterscotch and Fergie during the horse show. During over fences with Fergie, Gainey rode consistently with good rhythm and direction. On the flat with Butterscotch, she kept her pony calm and listening. Go Brisen!





Maddie Tongson rode Iris during the horse show. The pair rocked the walk, trot, canter flat class and did very well navigating the obstacle and over fences arenas as well. Maddie stayed calm and kept Iris happy throughout the horse show. Good job Maddie!






Marli Penninger rode Zippy during the horse show. The pair did a fabulous job over fences, Penninger kept Zippy calm to the base of the fence and Zippy floated over beautifully. Keep riding Marli!






Mary Alice Owen and Fergie competed together in the horse show. Mary Alice participated in her first every cross rail class and succeeded in keeping her pony consistent and on the right track! Good job Mary Alice!





A big THANK YOU to everyone who gave up their Saturday morning to support our riders! We appreciate you!