By: Lucy Ann Smith
What I have learned at Crooked Creek Farm is…that you have to keep your heels down. Also four body parts of the horse, the crest, back, pole, and dock. And that your jumping position is like standing up on the horse’s back, but your hands are resting on the horses crest. I have also learned that you should never get too closer to another horse. Also, I have learned the four ways the horses move; number one is walk; number two is trot; number three is canter; and number four is gallop. I have also learned some horse’s names like: Whisper, Butterscotch, Apatchy, Fergie, Sunny, Diamond, Wall-E, Iris, and Babe. Those are the things that I have learned at Crooked Creek Farm!

Lucy Ann rides every week with Mrs. Sandy. Mrs. Sandy suggest to all her beginning riders to keep a journal of what you learn, Lucy Ann took her advice to heart! In her helmet bag she keeps a journal and writes in it after lessons. After lessons one day when she was talking to me about her journal, I told her she could write what she learned and I would publish it on the website. The next week, the above paragraph was waiting for me on the bulletin board. Keep riding and learning Lucy Ann!