Highlights from the November 5 LCHA Open Horse Show

Highlights from the November 5 LCHA Open Horse Show

On November 5, Six Crooked Creek Farm riders along with Whisper, Iris, Fergie, Zippy, Butterscotch, and Apatchy traveled to the LCHA Open Horse Show in Lincolnton, NC. Though it was VERY crowded, all the riders rode well and the horses seemed happy to be out and about! Below are highlights from the show for each rider and horse pair!


Peyton Wilson kept Apatchy walking forward in her own spot on the rail. This was a large show to be Peyton’s first, but she did not let it overwhelm her. Peyton did a great job riding a complete circle in her equitation pattern. Go Peyton!





img_6036Abbie Bailes showed great confidence in her and her horse’s ability at the show. She kept a calm spirit, despite the 30 other people in her class! After only riding Iris in a fewlessons, she went in and kept her horse consistent and safe! Keep riding Abbie!





img_5982Brisen Gainey rode two horses in the show. On her horse, Whisper, she kept a nice walk and did very well standing in the line up. On Fergie, Brisen rode from the leg, rather than from the hand. She had several beautiful trots and transitions throughout the show. Go Brisen!





Ella Sexton had several lovely rides on Butterscotch throughout the show. She practiced arena safety and had many great canter transitions. Her highlight, was the last class of the day, when she felt her diagonal was incorrect and changed it! Keep riding Ella!




Jessica Killian did a great job staying relaxed and confident while riding Whisper. Jessica kept a forward seat with a straight line from her elbow to the bit, improving her equitation. She kept her horse moving forward and she kept herself looking ahead! Go Jessica!




Heidi Sanders did well establishing and keeping a consistent rhythm at the walk and trot while in the show arena. Heidi rode from the leg and seat, rather than from the reins; the product was a more natural ride, that made both rider and horse look great! Keep riding Heidi!












A big “Thank You!” to everyone who gave up their Saturday to support the riders at the show! Matthew, MaryEtta, Maria, and Ellie for trailering horses, holding horses, fetching water, and cheering the riders on! And to all the parents and grandparents, thank you for all your help, support, and encouragement!