On April 22, three Crooked Creek Farm riders along with Fergie and Zippy traveled to the Carolina Schooling Series Show in Tryon, NC. All the riders rode well and the horses were happy to be out and about! Below are highlights from the show for each rider and horse pair!
Brisen Gainey and Fergie made a great pair while competing in the Poles and Trot Crossrail Divisions. Brisen kept Fergie’s rhythm consistent and worked on her diagonals throughout the show. Their handwork paid off as they took home the Reserve Champion for the Poles Division and Champion for Trot Crossrails. Go Brisen and Fergie!
Heidi Sanders kept Zippy at a controlled trot during her flat and pole classes. Heidi kept a confident attitude while in the arena and helped Zippy to perform well! The pair ended the day with several ribbons and met their goals. Keep up the hard work Heidi and Zippy!
Abbie Bailes and Fergie made quite the impact while competing in the Crossrail Division against many other riders. Abbie rode her courses well, focusing on straight lines and turns. Abbie’s ring savviness along with Fergie’s movement led the pair to a Reserve Championship. Good job Abbie and Fergie!
A big “Thank You!” to everyone who gave up their Saturday to support the riders at the show!