Every morning during the summer, our staff and volunteers gather for a morning devotion before Camp Cherokee campers arrive and the day gets underway. The following is a devotion compiled by Daisy Perez and Maddie Tongson with a little inspiration from Micheal Jordan and Billy Graham.
We’ve all been given a gift. For some, it might be athletic talent. For others, it’s academic smarts. Yet others might be great with their hands. But just because we have talent doesn’t mean we are going to be great at something right away. Nobody can ride perfectly the first time they get on a horse. Of course they practice a lot, and they feel bit down sometimes when they don’t get something right. Their persistence paid off. The same is true in our spiritual lives.
If someone doesn’t listen or learn the first time doesn’t mean that you should stop trying. You may have to show them in a different way or help them. If the person learning is afraid to pick up the horse’s feet, maybe you should hold it and show them the horse will not hurt them.
“For in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Today was a long difficult day for many reasons. My dog chewed up a thirdpillow, one of our horses didn’t act as well as I’d hopped, and one rider fell off (which always gets me down). As I was walking home from the barn, I found myself thinking back to Maddie and Daisy’s devotion on persistence; just because something isn’t working out one way, doesn’t mean you should give up or quit trying or teaching. Thanks to our fabulous staff members, volunteers, and riders who persist every day, my choice to keep persisting is an easy one. Y’all are the best! Thank you for sharing such an inspiring message that uplifted me today, when I needed it. All the morning devotions are great and we are proud of each and every person who participates! Remember, we all need encouragement and positive messages. Let’s keep uplifting each other and making a difference!