Lesson Journal: Fall

Lesson Journal: Fall

Each week lessons, of all levels, focus on a specific theme, follow our riders below as they learn more about horses, riding, and being equestrians!


August 28-September 2: Balance

This Fall riders started the season by focusing on balance. Before riding, riders sat on the arena fence, closed their eyes, and pretended they were on a very skinny horse! Riders were asked to lean forwards and backwards in order to identify how their muscles change and grip the horse (or in this case the fence) when off balance.





September 6-12: Balance14344958_1069621813127436_7239567669309401763_n

Riders continued to focus on balance and how to check and perfect balance while riding. Riders were asked to maintain a standing position while riding their horse at the walk and trot. Some riders worked on maintaining their balance and improving their leg position as they posted the trot, half-seated the canter, and/or trotted in and out of poles.






September 13-19: Using the Leg

Riders worked on using their leg instead of their reins! This ranged from riders asking their horse to move one step to the side at the walk to steering their horse in a serpentine pattern while trotting and cantering! Thanks to balance and improved leg position riders were able to accomplish this task!





September 20-26: Groundwork and Bareback Riding

Riders worked with their horses on the ground, specifically on how to move their horses’ feet. This helped riders to be more comfortable leading and setting their horses up for showmanship. It also gave understanding to riders on how their leg communicates with the horse. Some riders also rode bareback after their groundwork. These riders focused on using their hips and legs to steer the horse, and their seat bones to half-halt and stop their horses.14445965_1076427085780242_2841530426990386227_n




September 27- October 3:  Independent Seat

Using balance, leg, position, and feel,
riders worked towards developing an independent seat. This means riders are not dependent on their hands to balance. Riders rode on the lunge line without reins and rode in the area with their hands pressed into their horses withers to work on being aware of when they may use their hands to balance.






October 4-10: Rhythm 

Riders worked on establishing rhythm during their ride. Having rhythm means the horse stays consistent and at the pace the rider asks. In order to establish the rhythm riders counted footfalls of the horse as they rode.







October 11-17: Direction 

Riders also worked on direction. Where are we going and how are we going to get there? Direction can be tricky, but if paired with rhythm, rider and horse can be unstoppable! With this riders also worked on going forward no matter what! Riders practiced arena patterns and courses of poles while working on straight lines and turns.







October 18-24: Following 

Riders worked on following the motion of the horse’s head at the walk and canter. As the horse walks and canters his head moves with his natural gait. Following is crucial to let the horse know he is doing what the rider is asking. Riders worked on this in the arena and on the trails!