Highlights from “FENCE Open Horse Show”

Highlights from “FENCE Open Horse Show”

On September 10th, four Crooked Creek Farm riders along with Iris, Fergie, Zippy, and Trigger traveled to the FENCE Open Horse Show in Landrum, SC. Though it was VERY hot, all the riders rode well and the horses seemed happy to be out and about! Below are highlights from the show for each rider and horse pair!



Heidi Sanders did well establishing and keeping a consistent rhythm at the walk and trot while in the show arena. Heidi also showed great patience and determination with Zippy at the gate during the trail class. Go Heidi!







Sara Jane Moore kept a good position throughout the show and communicated with Iris well. She kept Iris relaxed and happy while navigating the crowded arena and finding their own spot on the rail. Go Sara Jane!










Abbie Bailes kept a light seat and a steady rhythm which resulted in Fergie being balanced and collected throughout the show! Go Abbie!



Meredith Moore kept Trigger confident and relaxed in the face of new horses, the trail class, covered arena, and one giant insect! Like a giant barge among tug boats, Trigger demanded attention in the arena and the pair did well in all classes! Go Meredith!










Maria, Alex, Matthew, Eliana, and Hannah gave up their Saturday to trailer horses, hold horses, make sure horses and riders were watered and hydrated, and support our riders and barn staff. Thank you for all the “behind the scenes work” you all did at the show!